L’usine AZF située à Toulouse, a explosé le 21 septembre 2001, tuant et blessant un grand nombre de personnes. Elle était classée Seveso II. La série dont sont extraites ces photographies a été réalisée en 2005, alors que le terrain était retourné a l’état de friche, pollué sur plus de 3 mètres de profondeur.
AZF (Azote de France) was a chemical factory in Toulouse that exploded on September 21th 2001 killing and wounding many people. It was classified a “Seveso type disaster”, and the full environmental consequences of the catastrophe are not yet completely known. The series from which these photographs are taken was shot in 2005, by which time the place had become a wasteland; the grounds and surrounding areas polluted to a depth of three meters.